Dan reviews Wisdom Christology in the Gospel of John, a book by Dustin R. Smith that seeks to open up the Jewish background to the fourth gospel. Smith argues that the wisdom literature of Proverbs and beyond is the basis for John's unique presentation of Jesus as the embodiment of God's wisdom. Find out more and get a glimpse into the research that goes on behind the scenes at Bible Feed as preparation for our podcasts!
Laurence and Paul try to make the book of Proverbs, in the Old Testament, easier to read. By breaking down its seven distinct sections, from fatherly advice to the young, through to reflections at the end of life, they aim to make Proverbs more accessible and meaningful. They also think about how Proverbs relates to other ancient wisdom literature and finish up by testing Laurence on his ability to recognise types of parallelisms!
The meaning of life is the stuff of song lyrics. But it's also the big question of the book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament. At first reading the author of this book seems to be concluding that life is meaningless, but there's more than meets the eye, all of which leads (surprise!) to Jesus and his resurrection.