After birth, you continued to grow and change - sometimes intensely, at other times much more slowly. During periods of intense growth, you may experience physical and emotional pain, and wonder if your body really knows what it’s doing. But after that intense growth, you will usually emerge more capable and better-equipped for the challenges of life. It is the same with spiritual growth. Jesus said that we must be born again.
What motivates us to read the Bible now? Is it relevant for today's modern world? And where might be a good place to start? We had a fascinating Bible Feed Live conversation that covered topics ranging from how the Covid-19 crisis has prompted displays of both human selflessness and human selfishness to the depiction of human brutality in the event of the crucifixion of Jesus. We talked about how the Bible presents solutions to the problem of mortality, wrestled with the fact that God is however largely hidden, and gave a good number of tips on where to start along with some resources to help you.
What's the best way of reading this huge, ancient collection of books?! We tackled this question head on in a Bible Feed Live webinar that explored topics from Genesis and genre, to the relevance of Revelation. We give some tips and make some suggestions to help you in your Bible reading.
Why is it worth reading the Bible? What should you expect to learn? What is its purpose? Catch up on the conversation as we explore all these questions and more. We talk about a broad range of things, from the relevance of a random list of sacrifices in the book of Numbers to the non-superhero features of Biblical characters and why the Old Testament helps us understand Jesus better.
For our final podcast of 2020, we’re bringing you a discussion we recorded when lockdown started in the UK in March 2020. The subject is "Why read the Bible?" which seems just as relevant as we go into a new year in a world very much still in the grip of uncertainty. And so, whatever 2020 has been like for you, whether it's given you sadness or joy or additional stress and strain, perhaps it's comforting to know that the still small voice of the divine, revealed through an ancient text, will always be there waiting for us to listen.
With growing resources, from podcasts to videos and blogs, Bible Feed is a place for conversations about the Bible and faith in the modern world. But who are we? Paul and Dan, as members of a lay community called the Christadelphians, discuss what unique perspectives they think the Bible Feed podcast can bring to the wider Christian debate.
The title of this episode is a question from one of our listeners. Dan Weatherall and Jon Davies explore what’s behind it and find that there are even bigger questions to consider, like why are there differences between the Gospels? How we answer that gets to the heart of what the Gospels are for and how we read them. Listen in and see what you think!
Training to keep fit is needed daily. And it’s great when you get into a routine and rhythm because it helps to keep up the exercise regime. The more you do, the better it is and the easier it becomes.
Open Bible Learning provides free online courses on an interactive learning system - the most popular course is available now: "Learn to read the Bible effectively".
Produced by the Tidings magazine, this website contains several interactive online booklets about important Bible topics.