We aim to increase familiarity and understanding of the Bible by creating and sharing relevant and engaging content from the Christadelphian community.
“Good Biblical content that won’t make your brain hurt!”
Dr Dale Tuggy | Host of the Trinities podcast and author of What is the Trinity?

“You convey the simplicity of Jesus’ message effectively and yet also simultaneously convey the complexity and “bigness” of the Bible without making it daunting or overwhelming.”
Linda, Northamptonshire, UK
Meet the Team
We are “ordinary” people, which is to say that we aren’t directly trained in theology or Biblical studies. However, we aim to bring good Bible scholarship accessible to all – to other “ordinary” people like us. We want to keep improving our understanding of the Bible and you can be part of the journey by following all our material right here and on our social channels.

Dan Weatherall

Paul Davenport

Josh Dean

Laurence Davenport
Introducing the Christadelphians
There are Christadelphian churches all around the world with a treasured and vibrant fellowship.
As biblical unitarians, we believe in one God, the Father, and Jesus, the Son of God. At the heart of our faith is the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.
Our understanding of God’s love, mercy and grace comes from the Bible, which has carried God’s word to people through history. We read the Bible in context and discern its message to us today.
We believe that the Bible, particularly the Old Testament narrative, teaches that humanity is stuck in a perpetual cycle of sin and death. Temptation and sin come from within ourselves. The need for a saviour is shown repeatedly and anticipated in the Jewish scriptures.
Jesus is the answer to sin and death. A man just like us, yet with a close relationship with God as his Father, Jesus was able to overcome sin and he showed God’s love perfectly through his self sacrificial life and death.
The cross of Jesus teaches humanity’s wickedness – ordinary people just like us condemn and kill the innocent Son of God. Yet it also portrays God’s love because he gave his only Son in an attempt to win back our hearts and consciences; Jesus himself embodied that love by being willing to deny himself for us. We believe that committing to a life in Christ is seen in baptism – a ceremony of immersion in water symbolising death with Christ and rising again to new life.
We accept Jesus as our king and wait for him to reappear again to bring about God’s promised time of renewal for the earth; peace, safety and justice for everyone. Whilst we are waiting we aim to live our lives by following his steps and showing God’s love and compassion to all.
More information
More resources about the Christadelphian community and our understanding of God, the Father, his Son, the man Jesus Christ, and the Bible.
Reviews and Podcast Appearances

Dr Dale Tuggy reviews and recommends the Bible Feed podcast as one of 8 podcasts worth listening to in 2022!

Mark Cain hosts Dan and Paul to discuss how the podcast came about and explain more about the Christadelphian community.